Woah!!! What mixed emotions, I am so happy she is excited, I truly wish I was.. Ya know they get to an age where they are so fun to be around then Bam they are the ones that leave, the good helper of the bunch.. When the bell rang I went to grab Madi off the playground and low and behold she was over to her classroom walking in the door. Needless to say she wasn't to sad to see me go. WATCH OUT KINDERGARTEN!!!!!!!!
As many have commented this is my little Poser. Wow she loves it, but what I love is how the whole family wanted to wear new stuff because Madi did on this big day. So we got Koda some new stuff out and of Coarse Miss Tia, to be honest I felt left and and went right down town and picked me out a new outfit. It's like Christmas an excuse to buy and we buy it all. PJ's (pictured below), socks, underwear, q-tips, washrags you name it. What an ordeal this is.
On a serious Note Russ gave both Kiddos fathers blessings to start school. Towards the end of Madi's I looked at her sitting there arms folded and two big crocadile tears streaming down her face, I nearly died, then her and Russ hugged forever and she sat their silently bawling. I will never in my life forget that moment. I know she was so full of the spirit. I'm proud of you Madi your the daughter I dreamed for.