Soooo......Where do I begin. Russ and I have had a trip to Hawaii planned for a few month. My sister Dani and her husband Wade were going for their 10th anniversary so we thought we would join. Our 10th is in June. Well we had gotten everything ready including several groupons bought to save us major mula. Well the night before us flying out, well actually midnight we got a call.........we turned on cnn online (we don't have t.v.) and sure enough Tsunami hits Japan and Hawaii is now being warned it might head that way. We all sat their stunned and yet so devistated for those suffering in Japan. We played it safe, put our Hawaii tickets on hold and booked a cruise for the next morning at an unbelievable price. I mean how many people are going to book a cruise just the night prior. Lets just say you get a good deal. So we drove to L.A. and go on the ship heading to the Mexican Reviera the next morning. Russ and I took the same cruise for our honeymoon so worked out kinda nice. BUT Hawaii is still awaiting our arrival hopefully later this year.
This was the kids the night before we left, they weren't very sad about us leaving, they were going to stay with Grandma, Aunt Nikki, then Cousin Sam was coming to spend a few days so they could go to school. 9 days without mom and dad.
Picture Above: Us ready to watch the magician, later to find out both Dani and I would be major participants in........HILARIOUS
OK SO we Zip Lines over the major Jungles of Mexico. THE FUNNEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE......I am not kidding what a rush.......

Above: Us over head in the sky zip lining. Below: This amazing restaurant and slide for swimming. Super Fun and AMAZING food. WOW.
How could we not hold this Trantula, proof how brave we are. We knew the kids would love these pictures and think we are untouchable.......
Below: So we paid this guy to take us snorkeling and whale watching. WE took this glass bottom boat (I swear I saw bubbles coming up through) any ways we went way to far out if you ask me, and sure enough Whales jumping. I was freaking out. We ran into 3 and 4 at a time and they were just a jumping, I mean you could see way to much. It was amazing. BUT SUPER SCARY, then he would speed right towards them. WE came within 20 yards. I have video to prove it. WAY TO CLOSE......ANOTHER RUSH
So we met the neatest funnest people. We will be freinds for life. The Tafts from Bountiful. These two kids with their Parents (not shown). We sat by them at dinner. WE went on all excursions together and had a blast. We totally love them and felt like they were family. We hope to see them soon. It's amazing how close you can feel to some people so quickly.
MAN I LOVE THIS MAN.......Look at how dang handsome he is. This was such an amazing week for us. The perfect 10year. Thank you my love. We had the time of our lives. I found out one of our favorite things to do is dance, you almost forget until a cruise. HOLY COW, so much fun. WE loved being with Dani and Wade, we laughed every second. SO SO FUN, we worked out every morning, danced every night, (what a work out). AND ATE and ATE and ATE...........we will be recovering for days.
SOOOOO I am sitting in the sun loving life with Russ comes and tells me we are in a competition. GOSH!!!!! So in front of hundreds we were in a relay, we swam, dove, and passed a water balloon. Nothing like racing in a suit, I guess you just grin and bear it. We had a great time but won so it was worth it, FINE we lost.