Sunday, September 18, 2011

I can honestly say this was one of our Most Memorable Trips Yet........Thanks Mainly to wonderful friends.  We flew out on Wednesay after school.  The kids haven't flown for a while so that is always fun.  But to make it even better the kids were invited to be the Stewerdess and Steward....They loved it, handing out the snacks, getting some major attention and even their names mentioned over the speaker.  Fun times.......

Our trip started by a wonderful Breakfast at the Kirchauffers home.  Home made wheat pancakes.  YUM.  Then a trip up to Pikes Peak.

 You will see many different pictures I have experimented with on Instagram.......pretty random I know..
This Bear was in the store at the top of Pikes Peak.  We went so high up on the mountain that we got into some clouds, the kids couldn't believe we took them to the clouds, they loved it.  

 At the top of Pikes Peak.

The Air Force Academy is so amazing to me.  I have heard so many of Russ's stories and yet it seems so unreal and mysteries.  This is the Chapel behind us.

 Hanging out on one of the new practice football fields.  Pretty Cool.

 Dallas Thompson, One of Russ's good buddies from the football team.  I finally got to meet Dallas on this Trip, we have talked on the phone but never met.  He just happened to be there the same weekend to a football game and reunion.
 It was also 9/11 weekend so we say some cool tributes, Koda was standing at attention like the cadets, who knows maybe he'll be one one day.
 Some of the greatest friends Ever.  Jim Binns, Dain Allred, Lt. Col Brooks, Russ
These guys were great friends at the Academy, Brooks and his wife were Sponsors for these boys while they were in school.  Amazing families.  They all made the trip so wonderful.  Dain and Kristin let us stay in their basement and it was so pleasent.  Thanks Guys.

 Dain is the team doctor right now for the Air Force Football Team.
 While we were there, Mitch our nephew was on a recruiting trip there also for wrestling, so fun to meet up with everyone....GOOO MITCH!!!!!

I am telling you I LOVE FOOTBALL, but there is no other football experience like a game at the Air Force Academy.  The Cadets, the Jets, the Flags, the Patriotic spirit.  It is actually a bit depressing when the game starts cause the build up is so UNREAL.  Gotta try it... I want to go back....

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer 2011....What fun times.......

                                                         Me and my Boyfriend....
Dani and Wade were so kind to invite us on the Houseboat for another fun week.  We had so much fun with family especially some crazy cousins.  All the kids get a long so well and are so great to be around.

       Koda and Jaden are such good buds, they keep the competition going and are like little brothers.
Uncle Bo, showing off one of his many talents....
Oh and Russ too, Great form Honey!!!!!!!!!!
Grandpa Bruce and Luke Driving old Fantasy.

Tia was a BLAST this year, jumping off way too high of boulders, knee boarding, jumping off
houseboat and just being way toooo Cute..she is our little indian...

The Gang after riding a slip N slide down the sand hill....Thank Dr. Whitehead, That was fun....

Me and My Brother Bo.  
Russ doing flips down the sand hill.  Seriously he should act his age, he is nearly 38......

Kaeli, Me, Paisley and Dani, Man we just can't get enough of this little girl....

What some amazing memories...We love you all.

We sure did have a fun couple days with our friends from Omaha, Chloe, Eli, and Dash.  We met up with them in SLC for some fun times.  We spent one day at Seven Peaks Water Park.  Then another day shopping and going to the movie.  We miss this family so much.  The kids were inseperable with them while we all lived in Omaha.  We moved 3.5 years ago, they moved shorlty after and now live in CA.  So fun to spend time with them.  We love them to death.

Little Mermaid is amazing.....Must go if your going to be in St. George anytime soon, Our friend Peyton played Flounder and did an AMAZING job.  

I am so angry I do not have a picture of the kids catching crawdads, it was adorable.  They pretty  much were fishing in the river the whole time, they cam to swim for just a couple minutes, They had a blast.  We love Veyo.  We almost forget about it.  We went there tons when we were kids.  Nothing like a pool, river and Hamburger.  FUN TIMES.

Great time in the Mountains with friends.  Mt. Charleston is a fresh of breathe air for us here in Vegas during the summer.  Thanks Casen for inviting us to your party...

NOW this was a fun trip, We loaded on four wheelers and took about a five hour ride all over Fishlake.
                    Stopping for a nice little picnic, but soon was eaten alive by mesquitos....
           The three terrors on four wheelers, boy they laughed and laughed and had a blast..
There was a part on the mountain that was amazing to look over, This seriously is one of the most beautiful parts of Utah I have ever seen.  Fun Memories.

           Kaeli and Paisley....This little girl went the whole trip and didn't cry once, truly amazing.
          Grandpa and Grandma Shaheen with the Grandkids, also Grandpa showing off his GUNS

                             The kids found snow, Ya we went pretty high up the mountain.  But I think the kids highlight was all the small pounds and rivers we had to drive through.....Super fun and dirty and wet.  I only wish I could have caught it on film.

And boy does it work, Madi has already had three lessons and is playing Jolley Old St. Nicholas 
like a Pro.  Hee hee.  I just need to refabric the bench......Any ideas.